“금수저 논란 있었지만” 이승기, 견미리 딸과 이다인과 결혼발표…첫 만남은 OO 때문 (+나이차이)

가수 이승기가 공개열애를 해왔던 배우 이다인과 4월 결혼을 발표했습니다. 이승기와 이다인은 예식장을 알아본다는 등의 루머 등도 꾸준이 있었는데요. 이승기는 자신의 SNS에 “이다인 씨와 이제 연인이 아닌 부부로써 남은 생을 함께 하기로 했다”며 결혼을 발표했습니다.     그는 “프로포즈를 했고, 승낙받았다. 평생 책임질 사람이 생겼기에 기쁜 마음으로 여러분께 직접 전하고 싶었다”라고 밝혔습니다. 해당 손편지는 이승기가 직접 쓴 것으로 알려졌는데요. 두 사람은 골프를 매개체로 3년 전부터 만나온것으로 알려졌습니다.   이승기는 지난 해 전 소속사 후크엔터테인먼트와 음원 수익 정산 관련 다툼을 벌여오기도 했는데요. 그는 이부분도 언급하며 “마음이 따뜻하고 사랑이 많은 사람. 영원히 제편에 두고 싶은 사람. 함께 기쁨을 공유하고 살다가 힘든 일이 있더라도 잡은 손 놓지 않고 시련을 극복하고 싶다”라고 말했습니다. 또 “앞으로도 많이 나누면서 행복하게 살아가겠다. 두 사람의 앞날을 응원해주시길 바란다”고 밝혔습니다.   최근 이승기는 후크에서 받은 음원수익 정산금 50억중 28억 5천만원을 기부했습니다. 이승기는 2004년 ‘내 여자라니까’로 데뷔해 ‘결혼해줄래’등의 음원으로 사랑받았습니다. 한편, 배우 이다인은 배우 견미리의 딸로 알려져 있어, 이승기는 견미리의 사위가 되는 것인데요. 이다인은 2014년 드라마 ‘스무살’로 데뷔했습니다. 이다인은 과거 “내 방 거실에 tv가 생겼다”라며 금수저 논란이 있기도 했습니다. 이승기는 37세, 이다인은 31세로 두사람은 6살의 나이차이의 커플로 알려졌습니다.  

‘기안84 친구에서 억대 매출 디자이너 됐어요’ 미대오빠 김충재의 여행사진

셀럽으로 활동 중인 ‘미대 오빠’ 김충재는 이제 억대 매출을 올리는 디자이너로도 활동 중인데요. 방송과 작품 활동을 동시에 하며 바쁜 나날들을 이어가고 있습니다. 지난해 방송을 통해 더 넓은 집으로 이사 가는 모습을 공개하기도 하면서 많은 이들의 응원을 받고 있기도 합니다. 웹툰 작가 기안84의 친한 동생에서 당당히 자신의 이름으로 셀럽이 된 김충재가 즐긴 휴가지는 어디인지 함께 살펴볼까요.  
한적한 매력이 돋보이는 ‘독웨일러 해변 캠핑파크’   김충재는 최근 미국에서의 근황을 전했습니다. SNS를 통해 캘리포니아의 독웨일러 해변을 방문한 사진을 공개한 것인데요. 독웨일러 해변은 캘리포니아 주 남쪽에 위치해있습니다. LA에서 유명한 관광지로 알려진 말리부 해변, 산타모니카 해변 등에 비해 인적이 적어 여유롭고 한가로운 시간을 즐길 수 있는 곳입니다. 이 독웨일러 해변에는 캠핑을 즐기는 사람들을 위한 캠핑장이 있습니다. 독웨일러 캠핑장이 위치한 이 해변은 LA 공항과 가까워 착륙, 이륙하는 비행기를 때때로 볼 수 있어 운치 있는 분위기를 만끽할 수 있습니다.  
LA의 여유로운 도시 ‘로스 펠리스’  김충재는 로스 펠리스에 위치한 영화관, 음반 가게 등을 방문했는데요. 로스 펠리스는 LA의 할리우드 북쪽에 위치한 곳입니다. 기존의 문화와 새로운 문화가 어우러진 언덕 위의 여유로운 지역으로 알려져 있는데요. 이곳에서는 오래된 물웅덩이, 트렌디한 상점과 카페, 1923년 영화관인 비스타 시어터, 프랭크 로이드 라이트의 대표적인 주택들을 볼 수 있습니다. 또한 인근 지역에는 하이킹으로 인기가 높은 그리피스 공원, 콘서트가 열리는 더 그릭 시어터, 별을 관찰할 수 있는 그리피스 천문대 등 ‘라라랜드’ 의 촬영지가 된 다양한 관광지가 위치해있습니다.  
세계적인 와인 산지, 프랑스, 보르도  지난해 10월, 김충재는 프랑스 여행을 떠났습니다. 파리에서 남쪽으로 500km 떨어진 지역, 보르도인데요. 보르도는 와인 원산지로 유명하기도 합니다. 보르도 와인 자체가 세계적으로 알려져 있는데요. 보르도는 ‘가론강’을 끼고 있어 과실, 채소 등의 생산이 풍부합니다. 와인 산지인 만큼 다양한 포도들이 재배되고 있는데요. 많은 와인 애호가들이 여행지로 선택하는 곳이기도 합니다. 이곳에서는 다양한 농장들을 방문하며 와인 테이스팅을 하는 원데이 투어를 할 수도 있습니다. 또한 큰 고딕 양식의 오래된 성당들도 많아 다양한 볼거리를 지닌 도시입니다. 사진 속 김충재는 포도 농장에서 자전거를 즐기는 모습이 보이기도 했는데요. 여유로운 모습이 돋보였습니다.  
영국, 런던, 왕립 미술원  사진을 통해 다양한 전시회를 방문한 모습도 확인할 수 있었는데요. 런던에 있는 왕립 미술원은 지난 1769년에 개교한 유서 깊은 학교입니다. 이곳에서는 3년제 대학원 수준의 교육을 실시하고 있다고 합니다. 미술원에는 박물관이 있어 일반 시민들이나 관광객들도 방문할 수 있습니다. [트래블팁의 모든 기사 및 컨텐츠는 저작권법의 보호를 받고 있어, 무단 배포 및 복사 전재 등을 허용하지 않습니다.]

“사랑하는 케이티” 송중기 직접 여자친구 이름 불러…영국인 여친 직업 신상 나이까지 싹 다 공개돼 난리난 상황

  배우 송중기가 영국인 여자친구와의 열애를 인정한 상황에서, 송중기 연인이 여배우라며 직업과 나이 등 신상정보가 온라인에 공개되고 있습니다. 26일 온라인 커뮤니티에는 송중기 여자친구가 영국의 배우 케이티 루이스 사운더스(Katy Louise Saunders)라고 주장하는 글이 올라왔습니다.   이 추측은 송중기가 9월 ‘APAN STAR AWARDS’에서 대상을 수상했을 당시 수상소감에서 직접 언급한 이름인데요. 그는 당시 지인과 가족들 친구들에게 고마움을 전하며 “사랑하는 우리 케이티, 날라, 마야, 안테스. 너무 소중하게 생각해준 우리 친구들까지 진심으로 사랑한다고 말씀드리고 싶다”라고 말한 바 있습니다.     이후 날라는 송중기 반려견의 이름으로 알려졌으며, 마야와 안테스는 배우 케이티 루이스 사운더스의 반려견 이름인 것이 알려졌는데요. 케이티 반려견이라는 근거는 그가 과거 자신의 SNS에 반려견 마야, 안테스와 사진을 찍어 공유했기 때문입니다. 네티즌들은 송중기가 언급한 케이티가 배우 케이티 루이스 사운더스가 맞다라는 추측을 하고 있습니다.     케이티 루이스 사운더스의 나이는 1984년 생으로, 송중기보다 한 살 연상으로 알려졌습니다. 영국인 아버지와 콜롬비아인 어머니 사이에서 태어나 영국 런던과 이탈리아에서 어린시절을 보냈습니다. 2002년에는 영화 ‘사랑의 여정’으로 데뷔해 여러편의 영화와 TV시리즈에 출연했지만, 현재는 배우활동을 중단한 것으로 보입니다.  

“송중기 주니어 곧 나와”…영국인 여친 산부인과 목격담 나와 모두 충격받았다

  배우 송중기가 영국여성과 열애 사실이 밝혀진 가운데, 온라인을 중심으로 여성이 임신했다는 사실이 퍼지고 있습니다. 송중기는 재벌집 막내아들 종영 하루 뒤 영국인 여자친구가 공개된 상황인데요.  
JTBC ‘재벌집 막내아들’
송중기 소속사 하이지음스튜디오 관계자는 “송중기가 한 여성과 좋은 감정으로 만남을 이어가고 있다. 두 사람의 만남을 따뜻한 시선으로 바라봐 주시길 바란다”고 밝혔습니다. 이 여성은 백인여성으로 알려졌으며, 송중기와 공개 스케쥴을 함께 다니는 등 공개행보를 보여왔습니다.
  그런데 두 사람의 열애사실이 발표되기 전 온라인 커뮤니티에 올라온 산부인과 목격담이 돌기 시작했는데요. 한 네티즌은 “와 제가 며칠전 아는 분 처남이 송중기가 외국여배우랑 임신해서 산부인과 온거 봤다고 해서 그러려니 했는데 진짜인가 보네요”라고 글을 남겼습니다.  
온라인 커뮤니티
  이어 “여자분이 이탈리아인인가 그래요. 곧 결혼발표한다고. 저는 진심으로 축하하고 싶어요”라고 덧붙였습니다. 해당 글의 진위여부는 알 수 없지만 송중기 여자친구는 통역사가 아닌 외국 여배우로 보이는데요.
송중기 김태리 열애설 사진으로 둔갑했던, 손예진 현빈 커플사진
또다른 네티즌은 “송중기 여자친구 사진을 자세히 봤는데 배가 나왔더라. 100% 임신 초기다”며 목격담에 근거를 더했습니다.   송중기 소속사 측은 해당 목격담에 대해 “교제 중이라는 사실 외에는 개인 사생활은 확인해드리기 어렵다”고 말했습니다. 송중기는 2019년 배우 송혜교와 이혼 후 몇번의 열애설이 있었으나, 모두 부인했습니다.  

“그때 예진이랑은”…황정민이 손예진이랑 사귈 때 아니냐고 질문했더니 현빈이 보인 반응


배우 황정민이 후배 현빈과 손예진의 첫만남에 대해 질문을 던져 현빈의 대답이 주목이 쏠리고 있습니다. 

20일 오후 서울 성동구 왕십리로50에 위치한 메가박스 성수에서 범죄 액션 영화 ‘교섭'(임순례 감독, 영화사 수박 제작) 제작보고회가 열렸습니다.


 이날 제작보고회에는 피랍사건 해결을 위해 아프가니스탄으로 향한 교섭 전문 외교관 정재호 역의 황정민, 

무슨 수를 쓰든 인질을 구출하려는 중동·중앙아시아 전문 국정원 요원 박대식 역의 현빈, 

아프가니스탄 뒷골목에서 살아남은 잡초 같은 한국인이자 현지에서 카심으로 불리는 이봉한 역의 강기영, 그리고 임순례 감독이 참석했는데요.

영화 ‘교섭’

지금의 아내 손예진을 만나게 해준 전작 영화 ‘협상’에서 빌런을 연기한 현빈은 “‘협상’ 때는 납치범을 연기했다. 그런데 ‘교섭’이라는 인물과 너무 다른 인물이라 특별히 아내 손예진이 조언해 준 부분은 없었다”고 말했습니다. 

이에 황정민은 “‘협상’ 때는 사귈 때가 아니냐?”라며 대뜸 물었고 이에 당황한 현빈은 “그때는 아니었다. 순간 기자인줄 알았다”고 고백해 관객들을 웃음바다로 만들었습니다.

영화 ‘교섭’

한편 손예진은 최근 아들을 출산했으며, 현재 산후조리를 하고 있는 것으로 알려졌습니다. 

15 Creative Methods to Sharpen Your Interior Decor


It is important to be chic. I love the 2000s because everyone started to love haute couture. I always say: To be well dressed you must be well naked. I am never satisfied with myself and that is what keeps me going – I have no post-satisfaction. The difference between style and fashion is quality.

Art is Concern for Learning and Living

Possibly we do not have one theme for each season, but just try to make beautiful clothes all year round. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die; a sustainable world. It could be great.

Even Michelangelo got paid for doing the Sistine Chapel. To those artists who say they’re doing it for the love of art, I say: Get real.

Also Read: Nicole Kidman on the Critic’s Choice Red Carpet Event of 2017

Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, walking in the streets of style.

It is difficult to talk about fashion in the abstract, without a human body before my eyes, without drawings, without a choice of fabric – without a practical or visual reality. Brides today are increasingly sensitive to the tastes, feelings and finances of their attendants. Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. If you wear clothes that don’t suit you, you’re a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. Art is about learning and about living with people. It’s alive.

But ultimately, the main message is to forget about rules – after all, one look at Stone’s beauty history proves she’s tried everything from peacock blues to punchy corals and made it work for the red carpet.

Vanity is the Healthiest Thing in Life

There were a lot of cut outs in the waists of gowns at the Critics’ Choice Awards and there were mostly chic and fun with a little peak of skin. This is not a little peak.

Walking on the fashion show of Elementos

They will all come together to decide the winner of the prize, which was won last year by British menswear designer Grace Wales Bonner. The successful candidate will be given a €300,000 grant and year-long business mentorship, helping them to develop every area of their brand.

Coverage: 50 Ways to Wear a Hat

We like the idea of a long top over pants – it’s nervy – but the combo of no straps, very long layers of ruffling and her cleavage looking smashed the latest records.

This is reflected in the basic idea to Kate Ballis’ photo series Beaches Above. By shooting the world from a bird’s eye view world.

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink. Women are more sure of themselves today. They don’t have to emulate the way men dress.

1. There is always the new project, the new opportunity.

A stylish purse for the La La Land.

Her pictures show the seaside of Brighton, Sandringham, St. Kilda and Albert Park in Melbourne. The photographs were taken from a Robinson helicopter with the door off: “I hang directly out of the helicopter which is very scary but I’m getting used to it,” she says confidently. “The photos were taken on a 40 degree day in Melbourne, which means that it’s actually a nice temperature in the helicopter.”

2. The idea of a beach holiday is a bit nostalgic in itself. To me, this is the big statement for summer.

Pulling off an awesome dress at outskirts.

While from a ground level perspective the world often looks pretty messy, Kate’s photos capture a certain order that lies within these landscapes. Her images can even be compared to paintings depicting life many years prior. Kate has an explanation for why that might persist.

It is about striving to do as well as possible, for yourself, not for outside approval; and not worrying excessively about mistakes or set-backs.

I am like a freight train. Working on the details, twisting them and playing on them over the years, but always staying on the same track.

Valentino Garavani

People who exhibit unhealthy perfectionism are fearful of failure, fearful of criticism, hate making mistakes, stew over past errors, and worry excessively about disappointing others. You can counter this by trying to develop a healthy perfectionist approach.

Forget Your Fears and Worries

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray.

  • I’m used to always deciding everything myself.
  • It’s a blessing, but also a terrible defect sensational.
  • Style is much more interesting than fashion, really.
  • Garbriela Peters partnered with YouTube.

“Forget what people tell you is the right thing and go with what you love,” Goodwin proclaimed. “Make-up is supposed to be fun and if you are so attached to doing what’s right it loses its joy. Have fun with it!”

Easy Boho Style: Without Looking Like a Coachella Victim


It is important to be chic. I love the 2000s because everyone started to love haute couture. I always say: To be well dressed you must be well naked. I am never satisfied with myself and that is what keeps me going – I have no post-satisfaction. The difference between style and fashion is quality.

Art is Concern for Learning and Living

Possibly we do not have one theme for each season, but just try to make beautiful clothes all year round. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die; a sustainable world. It could be great.

Even Michelangelo got paid for doing the Sistine Chapel. To those artists who say they’re doing it for the love of art, I say: Get real.

Also Read: Nicole Kidman on the Critic’s Choice Red Carpet Event of 2017

Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, walking in the streets of style.

It is difficult to talk about fashion in the abstract, without a human body before my eyes, without drawings, without a choice of fabric – without a practical or visual reality. Brides today are increasingly sensitive to the tastes, feelings and finances of their attendants. Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. If you wear clothes that don’t suit you, you’re a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. Art is about learning and about living with people. It’s alive.

But ultimately, the main message is to forget about rules – after all, one look at Stone’s beauty history proves she’s tried everything from peacock blues to punchy corals and made it work for the red carpet.

Vanity is the Healthiest Thing in Life

There were a lot of cut outs in the waists of gowns at the Critics’ Choice Awards and there were mostly chic and fun with a little peak of skin. This is not a little peak.

Walking on the fashion show of Elementos

They will all come together to decide the winner of the prize, which was won last year by British menswear designer Grace Wales Bonner. The successful candidate will be given a €300,000 grant and year-long business mentorship, helping them to develop every area of their brand.

Coverage: 50 Ways to Wear a Hat

We like the idea of a long top over pants – it’s nervy – but the combo of no straps, very long layers of ruffling and her cleavage looking smashed the latest records.

This is reflected in the basic idea to Kate Ballis’ photo series Beaches Above. By shooting the world from a bird’s eye view world.

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink. Women are more sure of themselves today. They don’t have to emulate the way men dress.

1. There is always the new project, the new opportunity.

A stylish purse for the La La Land.

Her pictures show the seaside of Brighton, Sandringham, St. Kilda and Albert Park in Melbourne. The photographs were taken from a Robinson helicopter with the door off: “I hang directly out of the helicopter which is very scary but I’m getting used to it,” she says confidently. “The photos were taken on a 40 degree day in Melbourne, which means that it’s actually a nice temperature in the helicopter.”

2. The idea of a beach holiday is a bit nostalgic in itself. To me, this is the big statement for summer.

Pulling off an awesome dress at outskirts.

While from a ground level perspective the world often looks pretty messy, Kate’s photos capture a certain order that lies within these landscapes. Her images can even be compared to paintings depicting life many years prior. Kate has an explanation for why that might persist.

It is about striving to do as well as possible, for yourself, not for outside approval; and not worrying excessively about mistakes or set-backs.

I am like a freight train. Working on the details, twisting them and playing on them over the years, but always staying on the same track.

Valentino Garavani

People who exhibit unhealthy perfectionism are fearful of failure, fearful of criticism, hate making mistakes, stew over past errors, and worry excessively about disappointing others. You can counter this by trying to develop a healthy perfectionist approach.

Forget Your Fears and Worries

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray.

  • I’m used to always deciding everything myself.
  • It’s a blessing, but also a terrible defect sensational.
  • Style is much more interesting than fashion, really.
  • Garbriela Peters partnered with YouTube.

“Forget what people tell you is the right thing and go with what you love,” Goodwin proclaimed. “Make-up is supposed to be fun and if you are so attached to doing what’s right it loses its joy. Have fun with it!”

An Update for the Top Puma Style Garments


It is important to be chic. I love the 2000s because everyone started to love haute couture. I always say: To be well dressed you must be well naked. I am never satisfied with myself and that is what keeps me going – I have no post-satisfaction. The difference between style and fashion is quality.

Art is Concern for Learning and Living

Possibly we do not have one theme for each season, but just try to make beautiful clothes all year round. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die; a sustainable world. It could be great.

Even Michelangelo got paid for doing the Sistine Chapel. To those artists who say they’re doing it for the love of art, I say: Get real.

Also Read: Nicole Kidman on the Critic’s Choice Red Carpet Event of 2017

Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, walking in the streets of style.

It is difficult to talk about fashion in the abstract, without a human body before my eyes, without drawings, without a choice of fabric – without a practical or visual reality. Brides today are increasingly sensitive to the tastes, feelings and finances of their attendants. Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. If you wear clothes that don’t suit you, you’re a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. Art is about learning and about living with people. It’s alive.

But ultimately, the main message is to forget about rules – after all, one look at Stone’s beauty history proves she’s tried everything from peacock blues to punchy corals and made it work for the red carpet.

Vanity is the Healthiest Thing in Life

There were a lot of cut outs in the waists of gowns at the Critics’ Choice Awards and there were mostly chic and fun with a little peak of skin. This is not a little peak.

Walking on the fashion show of Elementos

They will all come together to decide the winner of the prize, which was won last year by British menswear designer Grace Wales Bonner. The successful candidate will be given a €300,000 grant and year-long business mentorship, helping them to develop every area of their brand.

Coverage: 50 Ways to Wear a Hat

We like the idea of a long top over pants – it’s nervy – but the combo of no straps, very long layers of ruffling and her cleavage looking smashed the latest records.

This is reflected in the basic idea to Kate Ballis’ photo series Beaches Above. By shooting the world from a bird’s eye view world.

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink. Women are more sure of themselves today. They don’t have to emulate the way men dress.

1. There is always the new project, the new opportunity.

A stylish purse for the La La Land.

Her pictures show the seaside of Brighton, Sandringham, St. Kilda and Albert Park in Melbourne. The photographs were taken from a Robinson helicopter with the door off: “I hang directly out of the helicopter which is very scary but I’m getting used to it,” she says confidently. “The photos were taken on a 40 degree day in Melbourne, which means that it’s actually a nice temperature in the helicopter.”

2. The idea of a beach holiday is a bit nostalgic in itself. To me, this is the big statement for summer.

Pulling off an awesome dress at outskirts.

While from a ground level perspective the world often looks pretty messy, Kate’s photos capture a certain order that lies within these landscapes. Her images can even be compared to paintings depicting life many years prior. Kate has an explanation for why that might persist.

It is about striving to do as well as possible, for yourself, not for outside approval; and not worrying excessively about mistakes or set-backs.

I am like a freight train. Working on the details, twisting them and playing on them over the years, but always staying on the same track.

Valentino Garavani

People who exhibit unhealthy perfectionism are fearful of failure, fearful of criticism, hate making mistakes, stew over past errors, and worry excessively about disappointing others. You can counter this by trying to develop a healthy perfectionist approach.

Forget Your Fears and Worries

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray.

  • I’m used to always deciding everything myself.
  • It’s a blessing, but also a terrible defect sensational.
  • Style is much more interesting than fashion, really.
  • Garbriela Peters partnered with YouTube.

“Forget what people tell you is the right thing and go with what you love,” Goodwin proclaimed. “Make-up is supposed to be fun and if you are so attached to doing what’s right it loses its joy. Have fun with it!”

Amazing Muffin Desserts Are Coming Back This Year


It is important to be chic. I love the 2000s because everyone started to love haute couture. I always say: To be well dressed you must be well naked. I am never satisfied with myself and that is what keeps me going – I have no post-satisfaction. The difference between style and fashion is quality.

Art is Concern for Learning and Living

Possibly we do not have one theme for each season, but just try to make beautiful clothes all year round. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die; a sustainable world. It could be great.

Even Michelangelo got paid for doing the Sistine Chapel. To those artists who say they’re doing it for the love of art, I say: Get real.

Also Read: Nicole Kidman on the Critic’s Choice Red Carpet Event of 2017

Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, walking in the streets of style.

It is difficult to talk about fashion in the abstract, without a human body before my eyes, without drawings, without a choice of fabric – without a practical or visual reality. Brides today are increasingly sensitive to the tastes, feelings and finances of their attendants. Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. If you wear clothes that don’t suit you, you’re a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. Art is about learning and about living with people. It’s alive.

But ultimately, the main message is to forget about rules – after all, one look at Stone’s beauty history proves she’s tried everything from peacock blues to punchy corals and made it work for the red carpet.

Vanity is the Healthiest Thing in Life

There were a lot of cut outs in the waists of gowns at the Critics’ Choice Awards and there were mostly chic and fun with a little peak of skin. This is not a little peak.

Walking on the fashion show of Elementos

They will all come together to decide the winner of the prize, which was won last year by British menswear designer Grace Wales Bonner. The successful candidate will be given a €300,000 grant and year-long business mentorship, helping them to develop every area of their brand.

Coverage: 50 Ways to Wear a Hat

We like the idea of a long top over pants – it’s nervy – but the combo of no straps, very long layers of ruffling and her cleavage looking smashed the latest records.

This is reflected in the basic idea to Kate Ballis’ photo series Beaches Above. By shooting the world from a bird’s eye view world.

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink. Women are more sure of themselves today. They don’t have to emulate the way men dress.

1. There is always the new project, the new opportunity.

A stylish purse for the La La Land.

Her pictures show the seaside of Brighton, Sandringham, St. Kilda and Albert Park in Melbourne. The photographs were taken from a Robinson helicopter with the door off: “I hang directly out of the helicopter which is very scary but I’m getting used to it,” she says confidently. “The photos were taken on a 40 degree day in Melbourne, which means that it’s actually a nice temperature in the helicopter.”

2. The idea of a beach holiday is a bit nostalgic in itself. To me, this is the big statement for summer.

Pulling off an awesome dress at outskirts.

While from a ground level perspective the world often looks pretty messy, Kate’s photos capture a certain order that lies within these landscapes. Her images can even be compared to paintings depicting life many years prior. Kate has an explanation for why that might persist.

It is about striving to do as well as possible, for yourself, not for outside approval; and not worrying excessively about mistakes or set-backs.

I am like a freight train. Working on the details, twisting them and playing on them over the years, but always staying on the same track.

Valentino Garavani

People who exhibit unhealthy perfectionism are fearful of failure, fearful of criticism, hate making mistakes, stew over past errors, and worry excessively about disappointing others. You can counter this by trying to develop a healthy perfectionist approach.

Forget Your Fears and Worries

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray.

  • I’m used to always deciding everything myself.
  • It’s a blessing, but also a terrible defect sensational.
  • Style is much more interesting than fashion, really.
  • Garbriela Peters partnered with YouTube.

“Forget what people tell you is the right thing and go with what you love,” Goodwin proclaimed. “Make-up is supposed to be fun and if you are so attached to doing what’s right it loses its joy. Have fun with it!”

Rachel Runs a Business by Her Own Set of Rules


It is important to be chic. I love the 2000s because everyone started to love haute couture. I always say: To be well dressed you must be well naked. I am never satisfied with myself and that is what keeps me going – I have no post-satisfaction. The difference between style and fashion is quality.

Art is Concern for Learning and Living

Possibly we do not have one theme for each season, but just try to make beautiful clothes all year round. We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die; a sustainable world. It could be great.

Even Michelangelo got paid for doing the Sistine Chapel. To those artists who say they’re doing it for the love of art, I say: Get real.

Also Read: Nicole Kidman on the Critic’s Choice Red Carpet Event of 2017

Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, walking in the streets of style.

It is difficult to talk about fashion in the abstract, without a human body before my eyes, without drawings, without a choice of fabric – without a practical or visual reality. Brides today are increasingly sensitive to the tastes, feelings and finances of their attendants. Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. If you wear clothes that don’t suit you, you’re a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. Art is about learning and about living with people. It’s alive.

But ultimately, the main message is to forget about rules – after all, one look at Stone’s beauty history proves she’s tried everything from peacock blues to punchy corals and made it work for the red carpet.

Vanity is the Healthiest Thing in Life

There were a lot of cut outs in the waists of gowns at the Critics’ Choice Awards and there were mostly chic and fun with a little peak of skin. This is not a little peak.

Walking on the fashion show of Elementos

They will all come together to decide the winner of the prize, which was won last year by British menswear designer Grace Wales Bonner. The successful candidate will be given a €300,000 grant and year-long business mentorship, helping them to develop every area of their brand.

Coverage: 50 Ways to Wear a Hat

We like the idea of a long top over pants – it’s nervy – but the combo of no straps, very long layers of ruffling and her cleavage looking smashed the latest records.

This is reflected in the basic idea to Kate Ballis’ photo series Beaches Above. By shooting the world from a bird’s eye view world.

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray. To me, this is the big statement for summer. Then we have light blue, light turquoise, lots of pink. Women are more sure of themselves today. They don’t have to emulate the way men dress.

1. There is always the new project, the new opportunity.

A stylish purse for the La La Land.

Her pictures show the seaside of Brighton, Sandringham, St. Kilda and Albert Park in Melbourne. The photographs were taken from a Robinson helicopter with the door off: “I hang directly out of the helicopter which is very scary but I’m getting used to it,” she says confidently. “The photos were taken on a 40 degree day in Melbourne, which means that it’s actually a nice temperature in the helicopter.”

2. The idea of a beach holiday is a bit nostalgic in itself. To me, this is the big statement for summer.

Pulling off an awesome dress at outskirts.

While from a ground level perspective the world often looks pretty messy, Kate’s photos capture a certain order that lies within these landscapes. Her images can even be compared to paintings depicting life many years prior. Kate has an explanation for why that might persist.

It is about striving to do as well as possible, for yourself, not for outside approval; and not worrying excessively about mistakes or set-backs.

I am like a freight train. Working on the details, twisting them and playing on them over the years, but always staying on the same track.

Valentino Garavani

People who exhibit unhealthy perfectionism are fearful of failure, fearful of criticism, hate making mistakes, stew over past errors, and worry excessively about disappointing others. You can counter this by trying to develop a healthy perfectionist approach.

Forget Your Fears and Worries

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. Fashion fosters cliches of beauty, but I want to tear them apart. I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting. For me, the summer will be pure gray – mother-of-pearl gray, very pale gray.

  • I’m used to always deciding everything myself.
  • It’s a blessing, but also a terrible defect sensational.
  • Style is much more interesting than fashion, really.
  • Garbriela Peters partnered with YouTube.

“Forget what people tell you is the right thing and go with what you love,” Goodwin proclaimed. “Make-up is supposed to be fun and if you are so attached to doing what’s right it loses its joy. Have fun with it!”